Greetings in the name of Christ!
We are delighted by your desire to seek a deeper relationship with God, and we would be honored if Saint Andrew’s becomes your companion along the way. Each and every person has their own unique story and journey with God. Some paths are smooth, some are filled with tough questions
and wrestling, and others are filled with a mixture of everything in between. Our desire is to experience and fully share in God’s love that unites us!
Welcome to St. Andrews!
If you are new to the Episcopal Church, and even if you've called Saint Andrew's your spiritual home for years, it's important to remember the goodness out of which our faith arises. Before we reach the end of the first chapter of the first book of our sacred scriptures (Genesis), we are told multiple times "God saw that it was good," - the light, the vegetation, the greater and lesser light (sun & moon), the swarms of living creatures in the waters, the birds flying across the dome of the sky, and all the creatures brought forth from the earth. At the end of each day, "god saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:10). And then lastly out of a desire for a relationship, "God created humankind in God's image..." saying several verses later that indeed all that God had created was "very good." (Genesis 1:31)
This current goodness is the water in which we swim as a people of Abrahamic faith; we worship a God that created us to be in relationship with god and with each other. And then, through a virgin couple from a backwater town known as Galilee, God took on human flesh out of a desire to be among us in a new way. In doing so, this same God, who "created," and even more wonderfully "restored the dignity of human nature!" Emmanuel, (God with us) now dwells among us and shares in our life.
As followers of Jesus, we turn and return to Jesus' own sacred text - the Torah (teachings), as well as our sacred Christian writings - the Gospel and the Epistles as our guide. In them we find the ultimate model of how to be the best versions of ourselves. We start with Jesus' Greatest Commandment, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind... You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Implicit in this teaching is the value placed on relationships, on community, and the common desires shared across humanity.
Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, know that you are welcome to join us as we seek to follow the "Greatest Commandment." Whether you are a newly posted military family, a long time Lawtonian, seeking answers to questions a childhood faith didn't adequately answer, looking for a church community that accepts people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, a newly married couple searching for a church home, or seeking to join a community of faith to raise a wee babe... in our pews you'll hear similar stories, and more, of how each person arrived at Saint Andrew's! Some arrived just last year and others have called Saint Andrew's home for 50 years.
Together, each Sunday we gather and raise our voices in praise of God. We hear God's sacred stories, we offer our prayers, we confess our sins, we share Christ's Peace, and with thankful hearts we celebrate and share in the Lord's Supper. As the ancient liturgy unfolds, we encounter moments of God's grace through which we catch a glimpse of the future kingdom for which we are already bound. With our body and souls sustained, we return to the world rejoicing in the power of the Spirit, ready to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Blessings as you seek to know God in Christ more fully.