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Please explore the pages within this section to
learn how you can receive support or get involved




In addition to receiving prayer requests, 

Card Writing Ministry- For those who love to send a little snail mail note of love, prayer, or care to those in need.  Birthdays and Anniversaries are also celebrated!

Clergy - Saint Andrew's clergy is available for

personal meetings as well as visits.


Flower Deliveries -Altar flowers from Sunday are available for delivery to the ill, the home-bound, or someone who simply could use a bit of cheer.


Lay Eucharistic Visitors - Licensed by the Diocese, these individuals deliver Communion from the reserve sacrament to the home-bound, those with long-term needs and to people in hospitals.


Pastoral Care Team - A group of trained lay people who provide support, prayer and presence to the home-bound, to those with long-term needs, and who make urgent visits to people in hospitals.


Veteran/Military Friendly Congregation - Saint Andrew's is a designated Veteran/Military Friendly Congregation and seeks to serve the unique needs of our active military, veterans, and their families as they grow their faith and connect with our church family. We offer a variety of means of support and resources to these beloved community members. Learn more about Veterans/Military Friendly Services HERE.

Worship With Us



8:00am (Nave)

10:15am (Nave & Live-Streamed)

Visit Us​


1313 SW D Ave.

Lawton, OK 73501


Office Hours: 10 AM to 2 PM

Monday & Wednesday



Contact Us​


(580) 355-9543


PO Box 1256

Lawton, OK 73502


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